Tags: Amicus Premium, billing, timesheets
Amicus Premium with Billing Mass change to Time Entries
The Mass Time Entry Change function available only to Billing Supervisors on the Billing side provides a quick way to change the Billing Rate or Billing Behavior for multiple unbilled Time Entries.
To perform a mass change:
- Select one or more Time Entries in the Time-Fees view of the Time, Fees & Expenses module and choose Mass Time Entry Change from the Tools menu.
- The Mass Time Entry Change dialog appears.
- Choose whether to change the Rate or Billing Behavior in Time Entries, from what to what. If you choose to change the Rate from or to “Other”, enter a corresponding Rate Value as well.
- Then click OK.
The function skips any of the selected Time Entries that are already billed, or that do not meet the "From" criteria, or that cannot be changed because the "To" Rate is not available for the assigned Timekeeper.
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