This Knowledge Base Article will provide you with some Tips and Hints as to how best to navigate and utilize the Email module and all of the features and capabilities it has to offer.
In the Amicus Cloud main view click Email.
You can choose to show the list of Email in your inbox, drafts, junk, or sent items folder(s) by selecting the folder. The emails list will show up on the right side of the page.
OR, to filter the list to any Email folder, or subfolder, click All Folders. Start typing the name of any folder or subfolder in the search box and choose one from the match list that appears underneath. Or simply navigate in the folder list, expanding items to see their subfolders. Then select the desired folder or subfolder.
Email subfolders you have previously created from Outlook or Outlook Web Access are also available and can be viewed from here. The “Amicus Saved” subfolders correspond to each of your Files and contain your associated Email(s) on the File.
If you have many folders or subfolders, “Show More…” might appear at the bottom of the list or sub list. Click on it to display more items.
Preview / Expand a Folder: Click the > button to expand and view subfolders.
Subfolders: If filtered to your Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, or Junk folder, the list does not include Email in any subfolders. Use the All Folders filter to see the contents of a subfolder.
Whose Email: These lists show only your Email. They do not include other users' Email – that is, email they Sent and / or Received – even if associated with a File.
Icons: The icon at the left indicates whether an Email is Unread, Read, Forwarded, or Responded To. A paperclip to the right of the icon indicates that an Email has an Attachment. An exclamation point to the left marks an Email of High Importance (URGENT), and a down arrow marks one of Low Importance.
Follow-Up: A red flag at the right indicates the Email is marked for follow-up. A checkmark indicates that the follow-up has been completed.
Quickfind an Email
Enter Search Text in the Quickfind Box at the bottom of the screen to find matching Email in the currently selected folder. Optionally, click a different option at the right to change which Email fields are searched.
The Results list has an orange header.
To clear the Results, simply click the X button at the right.
Work with the Amicus Saved Folders
- To help keep your Inbox and Sent Items folders tidy, your Amicus Saved Email folder has a separate subfolder for each of the Files that you are assigned to.
- By default, Amicus is set to automatically move your Incoming and Sent Email to an Amicus Saved subfolder, once they are associated with a File and meet all other relevant criteria. Or manually move Email to their corresponding subfolders via your Exchange client – ex. Outlook or Outlook Web Access.
- In the Email main view, use the All Folders filter and select an Amicus Saved subfolder to show your Sent and Received items on a particular file.
To see all Email associated with a particular File, including ones that you didn‘t Send or Receive, and ones that haven’t been moved to an Amicus Saved subfolder, open the File and click on the Email tab to view all associated to that particular File.
Work with Junk Email
- In the Email Main View, you can filter the list to your Junk folder to see incoming Emails that were automatically moved there by Exchange because they are likely spam.
- To move an Email to your Inbox, select it and click on Not Junk. Or, to delete it, simply select it and click on Delete. These functions are also available if you open the Email, itself.
Work with Email Attachments
- In an Email Window, Attachments are listed in the top section.
- Click an Attachment to open it or save a copy to your Computer. If you need to delete an attachment from an Email, use an Exchange application such as Outlook or Outlook Web Access.
You do not need to have an attachment and then add it as a document on a File to search it. The Search function in Amicus Cloud searches the contents of attachments, assuming that the Email is associated to a File that you have access to, of course.
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