Over 85% of the issues related to Outlook connectivity that are referred to Support are resolved using the steps below. If these steps do not resolve your issue, they will provide Support with the necessary information to properly troubleshoot.
For each question, if your answer is YES, skip to the next question. If your answer is NO, please read the troubleshooting description.
Are you able to browse the web?
You must have a functional connection to the Internet in order to use Outlook to connect to your Hosted Exchange account. If you are unable to bring up any websites, please contact your local IT staff for assistance in troubleshooting.
Can you log in to Amicus Online?
If you receive a password error, or a message stating that we cannot contact the server please contact Amicus Attorney by CARET Support
Have you previously set up Outlook on this computer or for this mailbox?
If this is the first time you are setting up Outlook, open the File menu and make sure Work Offline is unchecked.
Are you running Outlook 2003 or later and Windows XP SP1 or later?
If you are using a version of Outlook older than version 2007, you must install Outlook 2007 or later. If you are running a version of Windows older than XP SP1, please contact Support (earlier versions of Windows do not support some methods of connection and may make it harder to connect from certain locations).
Have you disabled any firewall, antivirus, or Internet security software you may be running?
Please try temporarily disabling any security software you are using and attempt to connect again. If you are successful, please contact your software vendor for assistance with configuring a rule to allow you to connect without your security software disabled.
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