Close a File
When finished with a File, you would typically go to its Details View, change its status to Closed, and specify the Closed Date.
Amicus Cloud – Files – Close File
Or, you could change its status to Dormant or Special, instead.
Any of these statuses will remove the File from your Active List.
Delete a File
In rare cases, you might want to completely remove a File, perhaps because it was created accidentally.
In the Files Main View, select a File and click Delete on the Amicus Attorney by CARET Taskbar. Or, in a File window, click Delete File at the bottom.
A File cannot be deleted IF it has a Draft Bill, Final Bill(s) (and Invoices), or Trust Transactions.
CAUTION : Deleting a File permanently removes it for All Users. Its general information, Details, Note(s), and Custom Fields are deleted. All associated Documents are deleted as well. However, each associated Email, Appointment, Task, Phone Call, Time Entry, or Expense will remain accessible to the Firm Member who owns the item(s) – it will simply be no longer associated to the File.
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