These steps should be performed by an IT specialist or someone familiar with your server.
There are times when Amicus Premium server shows the Amicus Server and Amicus Daily Check as started\running and users cannot log in. This generally occurs after Windows Updates have been applied.
If you check the server log you will see these errors:
Server remoting listening on port: 49259
Then, “Failed to setup the server for remoting.”
Then, “Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted”
This means that other application is using the same port Amicus Premium Server is trying to utilize.
To check this please open command prompt at the server and type this:
netstat -aon | findstr 49259
Below is the screenshot of what it should look like both the TCP and UDP is assigned to the same PID (last column). The problem arises when another process is using the same port which will show PID for TCP different to that of PID for UDP
To know what application is using port 49259, try the next line replacing of whatever PID you got on the first line.
tasklist /FI “PID eq ”
You can also view the process using the task manager, you have to add the PID column then. Look for the PIDs and if it is not the Amicus Premium Server service then you have to end it.
To add columns in the task manager, go to VIEW and select columns
End the task on the processes and then restart the Amicus PE service and then the Amicus Daily Check service and then log in to Amicus Attorney by CARET on the server.
Please not not end the task on a crucial process such as DNS.
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