Upgrading your installation is a multi-step process.
This topic provides an important checklist for each of the following:
System readiness
- Ensure that your Amicus Application Server computer meets the requirements available from the Technical Guides section of our website.
- Sufficient free disk space (6 GB recommended) is available on the Amicus Application Server, on the drive where your Temp folder resides. More space might be required, depending on your database size. If there is a split install, ensure that your Amicus Database Server has at least 2 GB free.
- The latest Windows updates have finished installing. To check their status select Start > Windows Updates.
- From the Control Panel > Power Options ensure that the server is set to never hibernate or sleep.
If SQL Server is on a separate computer, ensure that it is also set to never hibernate or sleep.
Amicus readiness
- Ensure that all users are logged out of all Amicus Attorney by CARET products, but remain connected to the network.
- In the User Management window, click Deny All to make sure all other users stay logged out.
- You must be running the most recent Amicus Server Pack for your current version. Contact Technical Support for assistance if necessary.
Amicus backups
- Back up the Firm Database (Amicus and AmicusMedia) to a location outside of the Amicus folders.
These backups can be performed by selecting Firm Settings in the left navigation pane. Then clicking Utilities - Database backup and utilities under the Maintenance section and exiting Amicus Attorney by CARET.
- You may use SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Management Studio.
- You may use SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Management Studio.
- If you have a split install (Amicus Database Server is on a different computer than Amicus Application Server), create the following folder on the Amicus Database Server:
- C:\AmicusDBBackup
- Be sure to select the same drive (C) when selecting one for your automatic backup.
- Back up custom/supplemental files to a location outside of the Amicus application folder.
If upgrading from Amicus Attorney 2013 or lower:- Custom document templates
By default, located in: \Amicus Attorney PE Server\DocumentAssemblyTemplates - Custom Reports (and Billing Templates)
Basic Reports location: \Amicus Attorney PE Server\CrystalReportsTemplates - Advanced Reports (and Amicus Billing Reports and Templates) location: \Amicus Attorney PE Server\SQLReportsTemplates
- Shared documents
- Documents attached to Amicus Files may have been saved or moved to a location under your Amicus application folder.
- If using the Amicus-Managed Documents feature, the default document location is: \Amicus Attorney PE Server\SharedDocuments
- Custom document templates
If upgrading from Amicus Attorney by CARET 2014 or higher, it's only necessary to backup your custom document templates. It is not necessary to back up default Amicus templates, or reports that you have not customized.
Server Upgrade
After ensuring system/Amicus readiness and performing backups, proceed as follows.
- Log onto Amicus Application Server computer as a user with Windows “Administrators” Group rights, then shut down all running programs.
- If you downloaded the Amicus Attorney DVD image, double-click setup.exe in the extracted contents.
Or, if you have a physical DVD, insert it into disk drive of the computer. The setup program should start automatically. If not, click Windows Start button, choose Run, and enter: [disk drive letter]:\Setup.exe. - If a message appears saying that specific version(s) of Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed or enabled in order to support basic Amicus functionality, complete the following before proceeding:
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- Go to Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features.
- Choose “Turn Windows features on or off” in the left panel.
- Select the Microsoft .NET Framework checkbox and click OK.
- Otherwise, download and install applicable version(s) from the Microsoft Download Center.
Then restart the installation of Server components at step 1.
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- Follow the onscreen instructions.
- A System Check will be run to ensure that your server meets system requirements.
If any tests fail, the results are displayed in an Amicus System Check Utility window. (We recommend that you print and save the results from the File menu on the next window.) If your server fails any essential requirements, you cannot proceed to install—click Exit. - Your existing installation of Amicus Server application will be detected. Select a drive with sufficient disk space for an automatic backup of your existing Firm Database, and click Next.
- Click Upgrade. Any available updates will also be applied.
- Log in to Amicus Attorney by CARET to verify that the application is running properly.
If you cannot log in successfully, see “Troubleshooting the Server installation”. - If your accounting link was configured to automatically handle Amicus Server restarts, Log On settings for the new Amicus Service will need to be configured. See “Configuring your system to handle Server restarts” in your Link Guide.
Workstation Upgrade
Before you begin, ensure that:
- The Amicus Server upgrade has completed.
- The workstation meets the hardware and software requirements detailed in the System Requirements document, available from the Technical Guides section of our website.
- The workstation and Amicus Server are in the same domain or workgroup, and the workstation has access to the Amicus Server.
If currently at a shared computer or in a terminal server environment:
- It is only necessary for a single user to upgrade one Amicus Workstation as described below. This automatically upgrades Amicus for all users on that computer or on all terminal server workstations.
If upgrading an EXISTING Amicus Attorney by CARET Workstation
- Log onto the workstation as a user with Windows “Administrators” or “Power Users” Group rights.
- Log in to Amicus Attorney by CARET. A prompt to upgrade the workstation appears. Click OK.
- Your existing installation of the Workstation will be detected. Click Next and follow the onscreen instructions.
- If a message appears saying that specific version(s) of Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed or enabled in order to support basic Amicus functionality, complete the following before proceeding:
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- From the Control Panel > Programs and Features select “Turn Windows features on or off” in the left panel.
- Select the Microsoft .NET Framework checkbox and click OK.
- Otherwise, download and install applicable version(s) from the Microsoft Download Center.
Then restart the upgrade of the Workstation at step 1.
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- When the upgrade process has completed, log in to Amicus at the workstation.
- A second prompt might appear, saying that a Workstation update is available and asking whether to apply it now. Click OK. If additional prompts appear, click Run. Wait for the update process to complete.
- If upgrading a Workstation that had the Amicus Tasks Toolbar installed in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, or WordPerfect X5 or later, the Amicus Toolbar might need to be reinstalled in those applications. This is done from your Amicus Preferences: Document Assembly (Step 3). For instructions, see the online Help topic "Setting Up Your Office".
If installing a NEW Amicus Attorney by CARET Workstation
If at a shared computer or in a terminal server environment, you need perform the following steps only once.
- Log onto the workstation as a user with Windows “Administrators” or “Power Users” Group rights.
- In Windows Explorer, enter \\YourAmicusServerName\Install\Workstation in the Address field, and then double-click setup.exe in the folder shown.
- The Welcome dialog appears. Click Next and follow the onscreen instructions.
- If a message appears saying that specific version(s) of Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed or enabled in order to support basic Amicus functionality, complete the following before proceeding:
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- From the Control Panel > Programs and Features select Turn Windows features on or off.
- Select the Microsoft .NET Framework checkbox and click OK.
- From the Control Panel > Programs and Features select Turn Windows features on or off.
- Otherwise, download and install applicable version(s) from the Microsoft Download Center.
Then restart the installation of the Workstation at step 1.
- Your Windows operating system might already include the required version(s). Simply enable them as follows:
- When the installation process has completed, log in to Amicus Attorney by CARET at the workstation. Enter your User ID and Password provided by your Amicus Administrator in the Login window that appears. Then click Login.
- A prompt to automatically add Amicus to your Windows Firewall’s exceptions list might appear. Click OK.
- A prompt might appear, saying that a Workstation update is available and asking whether to apply it now. Click OK. If additional prompts appear, click Run. Wait for the update process to complete.
- If you intend leaving Amicus running overnight at the Workstation, ensure that the computer is set to never hibernate or sleep from the Control Panel > Power Options.
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