Amicus by CARET requires an Email Attachment Location in order to complete your Email synchronization setup.
If you are in a User-Managed Documents environment, you’ll need to specify the default location for saving your e-mail attachments—you could create a folder named ATTACHMENTS for this purpose.
In the box, click Browse and find the folder. A UNC path is required—specify the computer
name and full path. For example, \\SERVER\EmailAttachments\UserName where SERVER is the name of your Amicus by CARET or File server.
You can also chose to browse for the SharedDocuments folder, as this is shared out by default.
If you are unable to browse for this folder you can have your IT set up the location manually.
Note: The location must have read\write permissions for the user
To set up the location manually:
1. Log the user out of Amicus by CARET
2. On the server open SQL Management Studio
3. On the Amicus by CARET database run the query select * from userprofile
4. Note the Peopleid of the user in question
5. Run the query Update CommunicationPref SET EmailAttachmentLocation = '' where peopleid = (# from above) the '' indicates single quotes - type the UNC path to the attachment location between the single quotes
e.g. Update CommunicationPref SET EmailAttachmentLocation = '\\SERVER\EmailAttachments\Tammy' where Peopleid = 36
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