Overview of Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On is a feature added to help users log on to OfficeTools by CARET faster and with more security. OfficeTools by CARET Single Sign-On allows Active Directory (AD) users to use their Windows login credentials to log in to the WorkSpace application automatically.
For Single Sign-On to work, the computer being used must belong to a domain and be able to validate credentials against the domain.
Setting Up Single Sign-On
1. Select Setup > Staff.
2. Once the Staff window opens, select the Admin tab and then select Single Sign-On.
3. This will open the Single Sing-On Mapping window. Here, the Administrator can map Active Directory users with OfficeTools by CARET users. When an OfficeTools by CARET user is mapped with an Active Directory user, the user will then be logged on automatically when OfficeTools by CARET is launched and never see the login window.
4. To map users, Administrators can do one of the following:
- Auto-pair. Check in a criteria box to map Active Directory users to OfficeTools by CARET users (Email Address, First Name, or Last Name). Then, select Auto-pair. The system matches Active Directory users to OfficeTools by CARET users based on the selected criteria. Mapped users will then move to the right box.
- Manually Map. Highlight an Active Directory user, then highlight the matching OfficeTools by CARET user. Select the Pair button and the users will move to the right box.
5. To unmap a user, highlight the user in the right box and select the Unpair button. Users will be removed from the right box.
6. Select Save to save your changes and close the window.
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