A Call is a record of any phone correspondence between you and your clients. Calls should be created whenever you talk to or need to talk to your client on the phone. You have the ability to add calls to Activity List and mark actions such as Please Call increase functionality, as well as the ability to Drag & Drop any relevant documents into the Call. Calls can be used in place of handwritten messages for the staff member creating it or other staff members in the office. Tracking phone conversations is helpful for future reference, as well as seeing how often you talk to the client.
For/Staff: This will be the staff member that the phone call is for or the staff who talked to the client and will show up on the selected staff member's activity list.
Name: This is the client’s Company Name/File As name. It is the name that is listed in the contact list.
Contact: This is the person that you spoke to/ need to speak to at that entity. (i.e. I need to call Joe Smith from ABC Company).
Phone: This is the number that you can reach the contact at. This field will only populate what is already in the system. You cannot type into this field, use the subject line or notes field.
Subject: This is where you would put the subject of the call. (i.e. Please call Bob. This will also show on the staff activity list.
Notes: A place to store any notes about the call. (i.e. Bob called for you and would like you to call him back about his Bank Statements.) This will also fill in the notes on your pop up time card if you complete it.
Results: Document what took place in the phone call. Your results as a staff member.
Due Date: The date that the phone call took place, or the date that you need to call the client on. Also, the time that you need to call the client at, if applicable.
Type: The event type of the call. Type is normally not used for a phone call. This is more likely to be used on an appointment: Client in Office, Out of Office, Vacation, etc.
Project: This allows you to associate the phone call to one of the contact’s projects. This will be seen in the project events on the Projects tab. (You can quickly see just how many times you’ve called Bob about his missing info, bank statements, paying his bill for the project, etc.).
Budget Hours: This allows you to specify the budgeted time to have this phone call and can show up on Contact Reports.
Actual Hours: This area will show the hours actually spent on the call once a time card has been created.
Created Date: This will show the date that the call was created and the staff member who did it.
Modified Date: This will show the date that the call was last edited and the staff who edited it.
Completed: When this option is checked it will complete the call and remove it from the activity list. This action does not remove the call from the system, it is a historical record and deleting the call is the only way to remove it from the system.
Hide Completed: This will hide the completed calls from view and will only show your uncompleted calls.
Reminders: The Add to Activity List option is always on by default when you create a call and is set to add to activity list 1 Day. This function works off of the due date set by the user.
Action: When you choose an action it will auto-fill the subject line if you have the option turned on to do so under Setup>My Settings.
Drag & Drop: If you drag a document and release it over the Drag and Drop area it will add it to the call and to the Documents Tab.
Summary Button: This will sort all the call data in a single-line format. This allows the user to efficiently search through the calls without having to use the forward and back arrows. Double-clicking a call will open it in the detail view.
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