All documents show as missing
Ensure that the document directory in your Windows folder structure has not been moved or renamed.
If you can navigate to the document through the back end and it is still missing in OfficeTools by CARET, please contact OfficeTools by CARET technical support.
If you are unable to navigate to the document, the computer is either not mapped to the network drive or you to do not have the rights/permissions to see the mapped drive or path. You will need to have your IT configure your computer.
Verify the OfficeTools by CARET document path is correct. Go to Setup > My Company > Information and Settings > Documents > Folder Options > Document Management Folder.
If this is the incorrect path then change the path by clicking on the ellipsis button and navigating to the correct path.
It is likely that you have now created two document folder structures each with different documents you will need to move all the documents form the current (incorrect) location to the new location and perform a reindex in OfficeTools by CARET for each client.
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