This article is only applicable for the ADS version of AbacusLaw by CARET.
Overview of Prospect Management
With prospect management in AbacusLaw by CARET, you can maintain information about prospects (or potential clients) in an independent data directory separate from your main client data. When a prospect is ready to become a client, you can easily move the prospect record (and all related data) into the main client database. Fundamentally, you create a special relationship between two data directories, referred to descriptively as “prospects” and “main”, so data can flow from one into the other.
Follow these steps to manage prospects:
Step 1: Identify your main AbacusLaw by CARET data directory
Usually this is the default “Data01” folder, but you can create this relationship between any two directories.
Step 2: Create the Prospect Data Directory
This is a one-time task. This is the directory that will hold the information for all of your potential clients. If you have already created multiple data directories for a similar purpose, you can use an existing one.
Step 3: Set Up the Flow Database
This is also a one-time task. The flow database is a configuration file that holds the information that controls the relationship between the prospect directory and the main directory. It indicates where the prospect information will be copied when the prospect is promoted.
Step 4: Use normal Abacus actions to populate the Prospect Directory
You can maintain prospects their directory just as you would clients in the main directory. Add names, notes, matters and calendar events to track each prospect.
Step 5: Promote Prospects to Clients
You can promote prospects any time you are ready to make them clients. When you promote a prospect, AbacusLaw by CARET copies the entire prospect record (and any related data) to the main AbacusLaw by CARET database, thus turning the prospect into a client.
Identifying Your Main AbacusLaw by CARET Data Directory
The main AbacusLaw by CARET data directory will usually be “Data01”, but you can create this special relationship between any two directories.
TIP: Look at the AbacusLaw main window title. It specifies the currently loaded data directory.
Creating a Prospect Data Directory
NOTE: Skip this step if you already have a directory holding your prospects.
- Select File > New database.
- The Create a New Abacus Database window appears. Select Selected files from current folder and leave all other options unselected. Click Done.
- Once the new data directory is created you will be prompted to log into it. Log in and continue to set it up as prompted. Notice that the new directory is named something like “data02” or “data03”.
Maintaining Flow Databases
Flow databases connect a prospect directory to the primary Abacus data directory (that holds clients). It indicates where the prospect information will be copied when the prospect is promoted.
Flow databases are maintained from the Flow Databases Setup window.
To open the Flow Databases Setup window
- Ensure that the main data directory is open in Abacus. (Select File > Change directory to switch databases if necessary.)
- Select File > Link Directory.
From this window, you can add, edit, or delete flow databases.
To add/edit a flow database
- Do one of the following:
- To add a new flow database, click Add.
- To edit a flow database, highlight the flow database and click Edit.
- The Add/Edit Flow Database window appears. Click Other data directory location and select/change the location to your prospects data directory. The other properties in this window should only be changed under the guidance of Abacus support staff. Click Done.
- The Flow Databases Setup window reappears. Click Done to close the window.
To delete a flow database
Highlight the flow database you want to delete and click Delete. A window appears asking you if you are sure you want to delete the flow database. Click Yes.
Populating the Prospect Data Directory
Maintain prospect name records and any other related information in the prospect data directory just as you would manage clients in the main AbacusLaw by CARET directory.
Promoting Prospects to Clients
When you promote a prospect into a client, you move the prospects name record and all the related data to the main AbacusLaw by CARET database where it becomes a client name record.
Before performing this procedure, be sure that you have created a flow database that links the prospect database to the main AbacusLaw by CARET database (the client database).
- In the prospect database, click the Names button on the toolbar to open the Names Browse.
- Do one of the following:
- If you want to promote a single prospect, right-click the prospect and click Promote prospect.
- If you want to promote multiple prospects, tag (or check) the desired ones in the Names Browse and then click Actions and select Promote tagged prospects.
- The selected prospects are added to the linked main AbacusLaw by CARET directory. All events, notes, docs, and matters linked to each prospect will be copied over as well. New U_IDs (unique record IDs) are assigned to all records. If the prospect record’s U_ID already exists (this is not likely), the record will not be promoted. If any of the linked records’ U_IDs exist, those linked records won’t be copied over.
- You should now be able to see the prospect listed as one of the name records in the main database. It’s a good idea to leave the prospect in the prospect database so you can track your marketing success using AbacusLaw Rainmaker or your own reports. If you no longer want the prospect to be in the prospect database, you must delete the name record from the prospect database manually.
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