If the links between records break or don't work, follow these steps to reindex the AbacusLaw by CARET database.
- Sign users out of AbacusLaw by CARET (AbacusLaw, Abacus Accounting, and MessageSlips) as well as Outlook.
- If you receive a message saying you need exclusive rights, a user is still signed into AbacusLaw by CARET, and you cannot proceed. Ask all users to shut down their PCs so that only the server is on.
- Select File > Utilities > Reindex.
- A prompt window opens. Select to index all files.
- You will not get a message that the reindex is complete. When 60 seconds or so have passed without any activity, the reindex is finished.
- Close and relaunch AbacusLaw by CARET and check to see if your original issue persists.
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