The Sync whether AbacusLaw by CARET is running or not setting cannot be used on Abacus Private Cloud or other cloud-based and terminal server environments.
If you have set AbacusLaw by CARET to Sync whether AbacusLaw by CARET is running or not in your Outlook Sync Options, but your Outlook Sync does not appear to be running, look at the sections below, and follow the steps that apply to the issue that you are experiencing.
The steps below involve advanced usage and changes to your Windows system configuration! Please consult your IT or system administrator to assist with completing these steps.
Logon Information is Incorrect
Abacus requires the credentials of a Windows Administrator account to be able to set up the scheduled task for your Outlook Sync. If your account is an Administrator account on the machine that you are trying to set it up on, you can simply enter the credentials you use to log in. If not, and you do not know the credentials to an Administrator account, speak to your system administrator to have those credentials supplied.
Keep in mind that the login prompt requires both your domain name and your username to be supplied, not just your username (e.g. MYLAWFIRM\jsmith). If your machine is not on a domain, your domain name is simply the name of your computer. Your user will typically be listed on the User name dropdown list, if it is not filled automatically.
To determine your computer name or domain name, check System. System can be accessed by searching it from your start menu's search bar, or in the Windows Control Panel.
Scheduled Task Cannot be Set Up
If, regardless of the credentials entered, AbacusLaw by CARET is not able to set up the scheduled task, the task may need to be created manually.
- Open the Task Scheduler in Windows. This can be accessed by searching for it in your start menu's search bar, or in the Control Panel.
In the window that appears, if you do not see a folder named Abacus on the left-hand pane (under Task Scheduled Library), right-click under Task Scheduler Library, and click New Folder. Name the folder Abacus.
Highlight the newly-created Abacus folder, and right-click inside the middle pane. Click Create New Task.
Enter the information exactly as it appears on the screenshot below on the General tab.
On the Triggers tab, click New…, then enter the information exactly as it appears on the screenshot below.
On the Actions tab, click New…, then enter the information exactly as it appears on the screenshot below.
On the Settings tab, enter the information exactly as it appears on the screenshot below.
- Click OK.
- To test the scheduled task, right-click on it, and click Run.
- Periodically hit F5 on your keyboard (or click Refresh on the right-hand pane), until Status changes from Running to Ready. If the Last Run Result indicates “The operation completed successfully”, you are all set. If not, proceed to the next section.
Scheduled Task is not Running
If the scheduled task is not running when it is scheduled, follow the steps below. Abacus will eventually notify you that the task is not running, with the following error message:
The timer associated with Outlook Sync hasn't been running lately. / If your computer was turned off, just be aware that that keeps sync from happening. Otherwise, check your settings in Outlook Integration setup or contact AbacusLaw by CARET Tech Support at 800-726-3339 for assistance. / Do you want to go to the Setup window to re-configure the timer?
Diagnosing the Task
- Enable logging of all Sync operations in AbacusLaw by CARET. Navigate to File > Setup > System Options.
Check Log Outlook Sync activity, and select All operations from the dropdown.
- Open the Task Scheduler in Windows. This can be accessed by searching for it in your start menu's search bar, or in the Control Panel.
- Open the Abacus folder within the Task Scheduler Library on the left-hand pane.
- In the middle pane, there should be a task with a name starting with Abacus_Outlook_Sync. If there is not, click on Set up System Timer within your Outlook Integration settings in AbacusLaw by CARET again.
- Check what the Last Run Time of that task entry was. If it was some time ago, ensure that the Status states Ready, and not Disabled. If it states Disabled, right-click on the task, and click Enable.
- Try running the task again by right-clicking on it, then clicking Run.
- Periodically hit F5 on your keyboard (or click Refresh on the right-hand pane), until Status changes from Running to Ready. If the Last Run Result indicates “The operation completed successfully”, verify that data synced to your Outlook.
If it did not, browse to your Abacus\vXX\dataXX\Sync\Logs\Outlook folder. Check if a new log file was created when you tried to run the task. If so, open it, and see if the log indicates success, or has an error printed in it.
- If it was successful, check the Next Run Time for the task in your Task Scheduler window. Wait for that time, and see if the task runs. If it does, check if a log was generated, and the log indicates success.
- If running the task failed, a new log was not created, or the log had an error, proceed to the steps below.
Common Fixes
The following settings on the task in Windows frequently resolve issues where the Outlook Sync task will not run successfully. To start, right-click on the task in your Task Scheduler window, and click Properties. Try each of the steps below, then re-test running the task, and checking the logs (steps 7-11 above):
- Under Security options, try changing Run whether user is logged on or not to Run only when user is logged on. This will prevent the task from running if a different user is logged into your machine, but frequently resolved permissions issues that prevent the task from running.
Change Configure for to Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows 10 (if available).
If the above changes still do not allow the scheduled task to run, please contact AbacusLaw by CARET Client Services at 800-726-3339 so that they can assist you further.
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