One of the components of the Outlook sync is the Mail import. This will allow you to have emails that you receive in Outlook, automatically copied, and imported into OfficeTools. This part of the Outlook sync does utilize the Document Management function of OfficeTools, so if you have not already done so, make sure that you have that setup.
The Outlook Sync is a separate application that links your OfficeTools by CARET database with your Outlook database in four different components. Because this is a separate application it does need to be installed on each staff member’s workstation who wants to utilize the functions.
Please note: The installation is a process that happens outside of the installation of OfficeTools by CARET Workspace so if you need technical support you can always give us a call at 661-794-2220 and speak with a technician for assistance with the installation.
Once installed and setup, please keep in mind that the Outlook sync runs in the background. There isn’t anything that you need to do to push information, it will happen automatically. The only thing you want to do is make sure that your sync is running periodically by checking your system tray for the Outlook Sync icon (double yellow arrows).
Please note, while setting up the Outlook Sync that each of the four components of the Outlook Sync can be turned on or off individually.
Syncing your Mail
1. Launch the Outlook Sync.
Once the sync has been installed on the desired workstation you can access it by opening your system tray (typically found in the bottom right corner of your main screen next to the time and date of your computer) and clicking on the yellow arrows.
2. Choose the option that reads Open Control Panel.
That will open the sync’s main interface.
3. Click on the Options button to the right of the Mail Import label.
4. Select your Mail folder options.
The first two fields control what mail folders in Outlook, OfficeTools by CARET will be monitoring. You can select a folder(s) for the items that you receive and you can select a folder(s) for the items that you send out. In most cases, it is recommended that you choose your actual Inbox folder and your actual Sent Items folder to sync up to. This will ensure all emails are brought into OfficeTools by CARET. Alternatively, there are quite a few OfficeTools by CARET users who elect to create two brand new folders under the inbox folder and sent items folder and sync to those. This will allow you to have a bit more control over which emails are brought into OfficeTools by CARET, but also means you will have to put each email you’d like as a document in OfficeTools by CARET, manually into those folders. So please keep that in mind.
The next three fields act as filters so you can pre-screen emails as you see fit. The first allows you to choose specific email addresses to synchronize. This will pull a list of all the emails that you have in OfficeTools by CARET. Not the emails that are in Outlook. Choose the ellipsis button to the right of the field to select multiple addresses if desired.
Please note: Most users do not select any filters in this portion.
The next field will allow you to choose specific emails from OfficeTools by CARET that you DO NOT want to import. This will be used more often than the previous field but is still rarely used.
The last field of the three allows you to choose specific Contact Groups to import into OfficeTools by CARET. Contact Groups are defined in OfficeTools by CARET and allow you to group contacts together based on specific criteria. While this could be useful in certain cases, the recommendation is to leave it blank.
The next two options are check-boxes. Import Unread Mail will allow the Outlook Sync access to unread emails. If this box is checked emails will be imported into OfficeTools by CARET even if they have not been read. This option really comes down to your preference, but most offices will leave it unchecked. The next option is very important. Import unknown to (Unspecified) will take any email that you receive or send, that does not have an email address match in OfficeTools by CARET and import it into the (Unspecified) contact. A clear majority of OfficeTools by CARET users leave this box unchecked as they do not want all unknown emails to pile up under one contact’s document screen.
Import mail from option controls how far back from today you want the Outlook sync to go to import emails into OfficeTools by CARET. If you choose “2 weeks” it will always go back 2 weeks to find emails to import. If an email happens to be 3 weeks old, it will not be brought into OfficeTools by CARET. Please note this option is MOST important when you are first setting the sync up, as from then on, the mail import will be automatic and immediate. Alternatively, you can select the option to use a date range, and specify a start and end date for the Outlook sync to work within. It will always look for emails in that date range only to import into OfficeTools by CARET.
The next two settings control what category emails are given as they are imported into OfficeTools by CARET. The category originates in OfficeTools by CARET and is directly tied to the way your Document Management system functions. In most cases, firms will use “Email Inbox” as the category for incoming emails, and “Email Sent Items” as the category for outgoing emails. Just make sure to use categories that are intuitive, as the category is used later to help find documents in the OfficeTools by CARET interface.
The last setting controls whether the emails that are imported into OfficeTools by CARET are deleted once the import is complete. This is a preference, and most offices will leave this option unchecked for comfort. However, maybe as you get comfortable with the Outlook Sync you can check this box to help keep your Outlook folders clean.
5. Select desired options and click OK.
6. Switch the Contacts label from “Off” to “On” by simply clicking on it.
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