What is Covered in this Guide
- Manage Recurring Payments
- Creating a Recurring Payments
- Schedule Options
- How to View History
- What to do with Failed Payments
Managing Recurring Payments
1. Billing > Payment > Recurring > View Recurring Payments
1. The APX Recurring Payments window appears listing all recurring payment schedules. This allows you to Open, Edit, Cancel, and Delete existing Recurring Payments.
Please see section below on how to Add a recurring payment
Creating an APX Payment
- Select Billing > Payments > Recurring > Create New
2. Select the Customer you wish to create a Recurring payment
3. If you select a contact with no payment methods you may get a message to add one now.
4. Enter in a Payment Method
4. Now you can begin choosing the details of the recurring payment:
- Set Recurring Type to the frequency of the payments (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Semi Monthly, or Quarterly). See below for more information.
- Set Start Date to the desired date of the first payment occurrence.
- Enter a Description for the recurring payment schedule.
- Select Create Schedule
Scheduling a Single Payment
Complete the window:
- Under Payment Methods, check the bank card to apply to the recurring payments. If the card you want is not listed, click Manage Cards to add a new bank card.
- Set Recurring Type to Single.
- Set Start Date to the date of the payment occurrence.
- For Total Amount enter the total amount of the single payment.
- Enter a Description for the recurring payment schedule.
- For Staff Email Notifications, enter the email address of the staff member to receive an email notification each time a recurring payment is processed.
- Click Create Schedule to save the single scheduled payment.
The APX Recurring Payments window reappears with the scheduled single payment listed.
Supported Recurring Payment Schedules
Weekly / Bi-Weekly
When Recurring Type is set to Weekly, one payment is made each week. When set to Bi-Weekly, one payment is made every other week.
The day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.) that the payment is made is defined by Occurrence Day.
For Weekly and Bi-Weekly, Start Date is used exactly regardless of the Occurrence Day setting. For example, if Start Date is 4/28/2021 but Occurrence Day is Monday and 4/28/2021 is a Wednesday, the first payment will be on Wednesday, 4/28 but any subsequent payments will happen on Mondays.
When Recurring Type is set to Monthly, one payment is made each month.
The day of the month (1-31) that the payment is made is defined by Occurrence Day. If the Occurrence Day is higher than the month has days, for example if Occurrence Day is 31 for the month of April, which only has 30 days, the payment will happen on the last day of the month.
For Monthly, Start Date is used exactly regardless of the Occurrence Day setting. For example, if Start Date is 4/28/2021 but Occurrence Day is 1, the first payment will be on 4/28 but the following payments will be 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, and so on.
When Recurring Type is set to Quarterly, one payment is made each quarter.
The month that the payments are made is defined by Quarter Month. The day of the month that the payments are made is defined by Occurrence Day.
For Quarterly, Start Date is only considered a starting point and is not used as an exact date. For example, if Start Date is 4/28/2021 but Quarter Month is 3 Occurrence Day is 1, then the first payment will be in the 3rd month of the 2nd quarter on the first of the month, which is 6/1. If Quarter Month is 1 and Occurrence Day is 1, then the first payment would have to be in the first month of the next quarter, which is 7/1.
View History
1. Select Payment Overview - This will allow you to View the history of the payment schedule along with the ability to Save, Cancel, or Delete a Schedule if it hasn't been processed
Status can be one of the following:
- Active
- Not Started
- Completed
- Canceled
Payment schedule is in progress.
When all payments have been processed successful.
When a schedule has been cancelled before it started
What Happens when a Payment Fails
When a payment fails a email notification will be sent internally and to the client with details on why the payment failed for example; insufficient funds or old expiration date. The payment will not automatically retry. We allow the user to control when the payment should be processed by using the Retry feature.
1. Go to Payment Overview> Hoover over the Failed payment, and select Retry.
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