There are currently two different ways to send an email out to all contacts or to even a select few within OfficeTools by CARET.
The first way to send out emails is through form letters, this will send out an individual email to each contact selected.
1. To send a form letter navigate to REPORTS>FORM LETTERS>CONTACT LETTERS.
2. From this window select the form letter to send to your contacts from the Form Letter drop-down.
3. Select any filters you would like to put in place to narrow down the contacts the form letter will be sent to.
Please note that if you do not select any filters it will give you a window that states that No contacts selected. Would you like to send all contacts? This will select all main and alt contacts that have an email address to send out to.
4. Select the Email button from the toolbar when you are ready to send out the email.
5. Select OK from the window prompt stating WorkSpace will now display the first letter in the Form Letter list. Do not send this letter. You will be asked if you accept the layout.
6. The Email template layout will open in your Email Application for you to preview.
7. If the preview looks correct you will select Yes from the Do not send this letter. Do you accept the layout of the email? window.
If you select No you will be navigated back to the form letters window and you will be given a prompt that states no emails have been sent.
8. After you select yes it will display how many emails it sent out.
The second way to send out emails is through one email that adds the contacts via BCC.
1. To send this email navigate to Contacts> Send Email.
2. From the Send Email window, select any filters you would like to put in place to narrow down the contacts the email sends out to.
Please note that if you do not select any filters it will give you a window that states that No contacts selected. Would you like to send all contacts? This will select all main and alt contacts that have an email address to send out to.
3. Select the Email button.
4. This will open a new blank email in your email application where all the contacts are listed under BCC.
5. Type in your email you wish to send out and when you are finished press the Send button.
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