If you or your clients are having an issue with resetting the portal password, please see the instructions below.
1. In order to reset your password, you will want to navigate to www.officetoolsportal.com and select the Forgot Password button.
Please note that due to security issues the browser Internet Explorer is not compatible and will not allow you to reset your password. We suggest using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to reset your password.
2. After that please enter your email into the email section and press submit.
3. Leave the webpage open so that the email link you will receive can open in the same browser. You will receive an email from no-reply@officetoolsportal.com that looks like the following image:
4. As explained in the email, the link will expire in 10 minutes and should be opened in the browser used to send the email. After clicking the link it will send you to the webpage to reset your password. If after clicking the link it does not send you to a webpage with the following image below, please copy and paste the link into the browser you used to resend your password.
5. Enter your new password into these fields and click Submit. You should be able to login successfully after this with your new password.
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