Tags: Amicus Premium
AmicusPEQB.log identifies errors when a General Ledger posting fails to exchange to Quickbooks Application.
Sample: AmicusPEQB.log Error:
Amicus Attorney by CARET Account: TRUST AA
7/15/2016 1:00:54 PM Information export of audit: 27114
7/15/2016 1:00:54 PM Error Error Number:201 Cannot post Journal Entries because Amicus Attorney by CARET Account was not mapped to QuickBooks GL Account
Click on Office> Firm Settings > Accounting > Configure > Step 3
If you configure the Link to exchange Fees, Expenses, and optionally Trust each to a single account, then all Amicus Attorney by CARET accounts are listed in the Account Mapping dialog, and all account mapping is done there. Otherwise, one or more of the subsequent dialogues will also appear.
• Account Mapping—Map all Amicus Attorney by CARET Accounts listed. You can map multiple Amicus Attorney by CARET Accounts to the same QuickBooks Account where appropriate.
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