When attempting to make a backup of your OfficeTools by CARET database with our OfficeTools by CARET Backup Utility you may find that the file is not writing to the location you have specified. This can be due to a few items.
- The OfficeTools by CARET Backup Utility is built to only work with our instance install, if you have a custom SQL instance that your OfficeTools by CARET database is running off of you will need to use a separate tool, such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in order to create a database backup.
If you are unsure if your OfficeTools by CARET database is a custom install you can check under Services and look for the following: SQL Server (NORTH40SYSTEMS). If it does not show as the following it is a custom instance.
- The OfficeTools by CARET Backup Service is not running, to resolve please follow the below steps.
- Open Services on your server.
- Select OfficeTools by CARET Backup Service from the list and either select the Start button on the left-hand side or right-click on the service and select Start.
Please note: If you get an error when attempting to start the service this error will need to go to your IT to troubleshoot.
- The file path you have set up in the Backup Utility does not have the user rights/permission for the service to write to. We recommend creating a brand new folder on your local C drive and setting the backup utility to run to this location, such as in the example below.
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