For documents to be seen in Amicus Anywhere they need to be seen by the Amicus Attorney by CARET Server. This means that the document needs to have a UNC path. The document cannot have a local or mapped drive path
A Unc Path: \\Server\Documents\Document.doc
A local path: c:\Documents\Document.doc
A mapped drive path: Y:\Documents\DOcument.doc
To view the path of the Document open the file in Amicus Attorney by CARET and click on Documents on the left, then double click the file on the right
Verify the location to see if it is a local path fig1. or a UNC path fig.2
In Amicus anywhere both files will be visible
If you try and open or view the local file you will get the following error
To fix this move the file to a valid shared network location and update the path.
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