Cannot send a File to PCLaw – Per file exchange failed
When linked with PCLaw newly created files are sent to PCLaw when the File's Save and Close option are selected. Sometimes the exchange may fail. If the file exchange fails there is a log file located on the server that will tell you why the file failed.
This log file is located on the server in C:\Windows\Temp\AmicusLogs and is called AmicusPEPCLaw.log
You can open this log and scroll to the bottom. Look for the date of the file exchange. You will see an error code an an explicit reason for the file failing to exchange.
This issue must be addressed Prior to attempting a new exchange.
What to check on your file:
1. Each file needs to have a default Responsible Lawyer. To verify open the File and go to Admin – General and make sure there is a default Responsible lawyer assigned.
2. The Responsible lawyer (if new) must exist in PCLaw and be mapped to their respective PCLaw lawyer account . See this link to map a new lawyer.
3. The file must have a default Primary Billing Client. This can be verified by access the File – Admin – Accounting
If the above is correct please check the Amicus-PClaw log file. There will be specific errors in this log. Address accordingly.
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