When linking an email to Outlook, another AbacusLaw by CARET session is opened. Frequently, an error message opens telling you that there was a failure in opening the AbacusLaw by CARET database.
This error typically happens because, when the link to Outlook was created, AbacusLaw by CARET was mapped to a mapped drive path (e.g. Z:\v23), but has, since then, changed to be mapped using a UNC path (e.g. \\SERVER\Abacus\v23), or vice versa. This sometimes happens after an AbacusLaw by CARET update, or a re-run of the workstation installer.
In this case, the Abacus Outlook Add-in is looking for a mapped drive letter, and does not detect that AbacusLaw by CARET is already open, causing it to open a new occurrence of AbacusLaw by CARET from the drive letter.
Follow these steps to relink the Outlook Add-in using the current AbacusLaw by CARET path:
- Inside AbacusLaw by CARET, navigate to File > Synchronize > Outlook Sync > Setup.
You will most likely see a prompt appear that looks similar to the below. Click Yes.
- Click Outlook Add-in Setup.
In the window that appears, click Enable the Add-in.
- You should see the same window as above appear again. Click Yes again.
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