Step 1: Open the source file for the Abacus form
1. Find the source file for the Abacus Form. By default, they are stored in: \Abacus\v23\data01\Forms\Library.
2. Open the source file in Microsoft Word.
Step 2: Create the HotDocs Template
1. Click HotDocs Author in the main menu. Then, click Create Template in the ribbon.
2. The New HotDocs Template window appears.
a. Leave Workspace folder and Type as is. Do not change.
b. For File name, enter the file name of the template.
c. For Title, enter the title of the template.
d. For Description, enter a brief description of the template.
e. Click OK to save the template.
3. The template opens with the HotDocs Field Editor section displayed. Fields enclosed in brackets (<< >>) are form fields. They need to be replaced with placeholders (or other HotDocs regions as needed). Use the HotDocs Field Editor to add placeholders or regions to the template. For help, see AbacusLaw by CARET Help (search for HotDocs) or refer to HotDocs by CARET documentation.
4. Save the template.
Step 3: Upload the HotDocs template
1. After you have saved the template, you need to upload it so that it can be available for document creation. Click HotDocs Author to display the ribbon and click Go to Workspace.
2. IMPORTANT: Close the template. The upload will fail if the template is not closed.
3. The Workspace Explorer opens. Highlight the template and click the Upload button.
4. When prompted, enter your HotDocs initial setup email address and your initial setup password and click Log in.
5. When prompted, enter a comment for the template and click Continue.
6. When the upload is complete, click Continue again.
7. Back in the HotDocs Forms window, click the Refresh button and the uploaded template appears in the list, ready to be used to create a document.
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